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Research Plan Exercise

I created a research plan as an intense, 24-hour, exercise. It was based on multiple contraints and involved incorportating various methods into a 2-week research plan. 

The Problem:

You work at the New York Times as a user researcher. NY Times digital content allows 10 articles per month and then a user is asked to subscribe and pay. They call this the paywall. The product manager has defined engagement as any of 11 particular activities, and has shared further information with you like which customer segments that are most likely to pay for a digital subscription, some subscriptions plans that they have tested, and some hypothesis about how to migrate the NYT Value Proposition for getting new customers. (See detailed problem description below).


The Objective:

The product manager for digital (web, mobile app, tablet app) has a quarterly goal to increase paid digital subscriptions. You need to work in some prior research that has been done and create a new 2-week research plan.

The Research Plan (click to expand)

The Detailed Problem Description

The (Quick and Dirty) Solution Presentation

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