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Research Proposal Exercise

As a short exercise, I created a research proposal with the goal of aiding pre-med students in studying for their courses by finding the optimal way to provide feedback around their pronunciation of medical terminology, and also understand the ease of naviation using existing designs.

The Problem:

Mobile apps that help students with the pronunciation of medical terminology are not widely available on the market yet. We are curious about what will be the best-recieved form of feedback and navigation for such a tool. The current idea is that the app will present a word to pronounce, and the student will speak that word into the microphone of their smartphone to their best abilities.  The app will then give them feedback about how accurately they pronounced the word — were they spot on, or do they need some help?


The Objective:

Test current prototypes or wireframes to understand navigation design and find the optimal feedback format. Discuss methodology, testing approach, recruitment strategies and possible deliverables. Provide at least 2 alternative research directions and some details accounting for the fact of limited or somewhat limited resources and about 1-3 week study turnaround time.

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