A selection of projects I completed throughout my Master's degree in Cognitive Science.
TrenTour - Master's Thesis Project
TrenTour is a mobile application which aims to improve the tourist experience in the Trentino region of Italy. I was responsible for a proof-of-concept case study with elementary school children as well as design and evaluation of pedagogical game elements. This was my Master's Thesis project.
The Problem: There is no one application that brings together the region in an accessible way to tourists. There are very few such applications which engage children as primary users. There is not much understanding of children as tourists and users of mobile applications with which to base these....
Mobile Privacy Awareness Internship
A project which used user research to understand level of awareness and subjects’ feelings about mobile privacy and its risks. This was my main project for the internship I completed during my Master's studies.
The Problem: The general public is aware of how dangerous it can be to use the internet on a personal computer. Similar risks exist in the use of applications on smartphones. What is the best way to protect consumers?
Well-Rounded-Image Profile
A way to add extra elements to one’s academic web profile in the University of Trento's online system. I had to research, design, and prototype online profiles within a new portal for university students which would be used by job agencies to further students’ employment opportunities. This was a group final project for the Computer-Supported Collaborative Working course at the University of Trento.
The Problem: The Certified Electronic Portfolio is a system being developed...
My Museums
My Museums is an iOS application that I designed and prototyped using Adobe Flash after conducting a Case Study. The app would guide visitors through the museum simulating a human tour guide. The app is universal in the sense that can be installed on an iPhone and used in any participating museum by downloading the appropriate data. This was my individual final class project in Designing Graphical User Interfaces at the University of Trento.
The Problem: Many mobile museum applications are difficult to navigate...